Thursday, August 5, 2010

Evidence of a garden intruder

So this morning I go out to water and find a shoe and a few broccoli leaves and plants uprooted. This is in the middle of the property and nothing else seems to be touched. Is this weird or what?

Other garden invaders I caught this morning!


  1. Okay, I have to assume that it was an animal that shoe into the yard and then crazy on that plant for unknown reasons. However, a sleep walking broccoli addict has a certain story appeal to it.

  2. LMAO! Oh my, that's funny! Definitely a "W-T-F"? moment (can't stop giggling)! Is your beautiful garden attracting ladies in the night? Is there a trap you can fashion for that? :)

  3. Maybe that giant slug turns into a beautiful lady at night. Happyskunk needs to give slug a kiss to see if it turns into Cinderella, and then he can put the slipper back on her foot where it belongs.

  4. I think you have a garden cinderella over there!

  5. What, a shoe? How weird!! And wow, big slug!

  6. Someone may have thrown it over.

    And Ewwwww to the slug - so big and eeky.

  7. Seriously??? A strange shoe in your garden?

    We have had neighbors throw beer bottles over the fence, but not shoes. Ha ha.
